Kai Wilson, close-up

Living in Color

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Kai Wilson is a senior majoring in Accounting at Oakland University. She expressed that being a minority isn’t necessarily something that affects her daily life, but it is something that she is usually aware of in the back of her mind. She said that she isn’t specifically excluded nor included from anything because of her race, but when she is feeling uncomfortable in any situation, being the minority is the reason that’s on her mind.diversity_poster by Sami Ellis

“My main goal is to one day work in a more diverse area.” – Kai Wilson

“Diversity has made me aware of how small minority groups are in certain places. I seldom see people that look like myself at school or in workplaces. This has made me want to seek out like-minded people in places that interest me, like the National Association for Black Accountants (NABA).” NABA is one of several organizations on campus that aim to encourage and assist minority students by not only developing skills and confidence, but providing a comfortable atmosphere of people with common mindsets.

Interview, photo, and poster by Sami Ellis

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